Tuesday, March 3, 2015

We're Still Alive, I Promise

These past few weeks have been pretty crazy and have tested my sanity, but needless to say, I'm still alive and going at it.  It's been a little while since the last time I posted anything, so I thought I would give a little update on how things are going since the last round or so of tests.  Up to this point in time, I have taken at least two tests in all of the courses, if not three.  The month of February was busy, busy and I honestly can't believe it is already March and we are halfway through the semester.

As for the tests, some are going better than others.  I would say they are easier than the first round just because I now know more of what to expect from each instructor, but the information definitely isn't getting any easier.  We have multiple tests to do every week and while we aren't in class all day long, it never feels like we have enough time to prepare.  So it goes a little like this.....
While some classes, *cough cough* Intro to Disease and AT *cough cough* are a bit of struggle and require what seems like a lot more work, it's not the point where I'm failing and feel like I need to drop out.  So that's a plus! I knew this program wasn't going to be easy in any way, but it has definitely been challenge and a complete turn around from what undergrad was like for me.

After this week, we have a little bit of a break from tests before spring break comes around, which is a break much needed even though it won't exactly be much of a break (Yay for online classes...).  Regardless, I'm looking forward to going south and getting some much needed warm weather after this winter I've been dealing with.

So until next time my friends!

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